It has begun! So many new faces and new friendships are being made as we are building our tribe. Each learner has been challenged to learn everyone’s name. It has proven to be a tougher challenge than originally thought!
To get to know their studio, learners have been given a bingo challenge. The challenge guides them through the studio and also helps to build the tribe. Playing games with each other, doing random acts of kindness, making treats for their squad, trying out works in the studio, and memorizing all those new names!
Lip Dub Quest! Yep, it’s time for the annual lip dub! Learners were challenged to memorize the lyrics to the song they chose, MorningYes. They have been playing the song multiple times and trying so hard to memorize all the words. It is pretty awesome to hear them singing along!
Leadership! It is so inspiring to see learners step up and take the lead. They are making a rubric for their lip dub and deciding what will make it a world class example.
Sometimes we find a work that we just can’t stop doing. Here Lukas started this puzzle in the morning and kept at it…all day! Learners will connect deeply with various works in the studio and it is a beautiful process to watch it unfold.
We took our first adventure! Squad leaders had maps and to our location. They led us there and we enjoyed our reward…Stella’s Ice Cream!!! It was amazing to watch students step up and lead and learners engage with each other as we are building our tribe. It was a wonderful way to end our first week!